Tobacco Industry Lobbyists Influence State Legislatures Across America

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Tobacco Industry Lobbyists Influence State Legislatures Across America
Tobacco industry lobbyists infiltrate state legislatures across U.S., with at least 950 representatives pushing for their interests.

According to a recent report by Statnews, the anti-smoking advocacy group Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) has found that lobbyists from the tobacco industry have infiltrated state legislatures from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to Tallahassee, Florida.


The latest version of the "Tobacco Industry Lobbyists and Lobbying Firm Registration Tracking Report" released by the organization states that there are now at least 950 lobbyists representing cigarette, e-cigarette, and snuff companies lobbying in state legislatures across the country. From 2023 to 2024, the number of lobbying registrations related to tobacco companies has increased by over 10%.


This data may be underestimated because ASH's overall statistics are based on publicly available lobbying registration data, and some states only require lobbying firms, not individual lobbyists, to register.


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