UK New E-cig Sales Permit System Proposed, to Recover over £50 Million Annually

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UK New E-cig Sales Permit System Proposed, to Recover over £50 Million Annually
A new e-cigarette sales licensing proposal has been submitted to Parliament, supported by The Electric Tobacconist.

According to a report from the British media outlet MarketersMedia on April 23rd, a new e-cigarette sales licensing scheme has been submitted to Parliament, and the e-cigarette portal website The Electric Tobacconist has expressed full support. The website supports this initiative aimed at introducing licensing standards to prevent the sale of unregulated products, including sales to minors.


The Grasshopper is a UK-based online provider of e-cigarettes, heated tobacco, and nicotine pouches. They are in support of a recently proposed e-cigarette licensing scheme. This industry-led licensing scheme aims to create a safer and more regulated environment for retailers and consumers, effectively addressing urgent issues such as illegal e-cigarette sales.


The submission of the new proposal is the follow-up action after a six-month consultation involving members of the retail sector, regulatory agencies, and consumer advocacy groups. This comprehensive licensing scheme is aimed at combating illegal e-cigarette sales and preventing underage access, operating on a self-sustaining fee structure and specific criteria for businesses applying for licenses. These criteria include demonstrating that retailers and distributors are following measures to prevent sales to minors, only selling compliant products, and complying with environmental and advertising regulations.


E-cigarette Grassroots CEO Pascal Culverhouse stated, "The recent unveiling of the UK's first licensing framework for the e-cigarette industry in Parliament is a crucial step in curbing the growth of illegal e-cigarette sales and underage use. By allowing the Trading Standards Authority to take decisive action against retailers engaging in such activities, this scheme promises to significantly enhance enforcement efforts. Furthermore, it is estimated that this scheme will generate over £50 million in revenue annually, further strengthening the fight against illegal e-cigarette sales. It is now time to ensure responsible practices within the industry and protect our youth."


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