Mexico Prohibited Sales of Vapes: New Study Reveals Risks

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Mexico Prohibited Sales of Vapes: New Study Reveals Risks
Mexican health authorities warn against e-cigarette dangers, citing increased risk of heart failure and irreversible health damage.

According to a report from the Spanish newspaper "National", searching for the term "e-cigarette" on Google produces contradictory results. The first two search options that appear are "price" and "consequences". In Mexico, the sale and distribution of e-cigarettes are explicitly prohibited by law. A presidential decree in 2022 highlighted the health risks of e-cigarettes, stating that "some toxins levels in the aerosol produced by heated tobacco products (PTP) are higher than in smoke from burning tobacco", as reported in the official federal newspaper. However, it is still very easy to purchase these devices online, with a variety of types, colors, and features available.


Recently, the Mexican Federal Commission for the Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris) released a study by the American College of Cardiology, which found that e-cigarette users are 19% more likely to develop heart failure compared to those who have never used them. Mexican authorities issued a warning once again, urging the public to "avoid consuming and using these devices" as the damage they cause to health is "irreversible.


The components of an e-cigarette include a mouthpiece, a heating element, a container for the liquid solution, and a battery, all of which are typically designed to be visually appealing. The American Heart Association explained in an article about this research, "Electronic nicotine delivery systems, such as e-cigarettes, hookah pens, and e-hookahs, deliver nicotine in a non-combustible aerosol." However, a survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that some potentially harmful substances not disclosed on product packaging are a cause for concern.


According to the Mexican media outlet "Daily News," the National Health Protection Agency's reference laboratory has detected harmful elements. They stated that young individuals who have never smoked before and use e-cigarettes have a higher likelihood of developing a tobacco dependency. In order to prevent the harms of e-cigarettes, Mexico's Cofepris has widely spread a campaign on social media with the theme #e-cigarette will shorten your life (#ElVapeTeAcortaLaVida) to discourage the use of e-cigarettes.


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