Recently, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) in the UK announced that it has made a ruling on Flavor Warehouse Ltd t/a ELFBAR. The ASA investigated a total of ten different issues, and all of these issues received support from the advertising standards body.
ELFBAR has recently faced complaints regarding the promotional content on its website, with multiple statements being deemed as promotional and in violation of advertising guidelines. The complaints involve several statements, including claims that their product is the "best-selling disposable e-cigarette" and that it offers a "variety of delicious flavors" to choose from. Additionally, the company has promoted its loyalty program, as well as blog content related to its e-cigarette product.
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) considers these statements and content to be of promotional nature. According to advertising guidelines, unauthorized nicotine-containing e-cigarettes and e-liquids can only display informative content on their own website, rather than using promotional tactics.
ELFBAR has explained that they have removed the references to bulk purchases, labels, and brand loyalty content. However, they have also claimed that certain statements are factual, such as the performance of their e-cigarette products in the UK market. Nevertheless, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) believes that these claims go beyond factual descriptions and have a promotional nature, thus violating advertising guidelines.
In light of the recent complaint, the Advertising Standards Authority of the United Kingdom has demanded that Flavor Warehouse Ltd, trading as Elfbar, remove any statements found to be in violation of the guidelines, and ensure that they refrain from using unauthorized promotional statements regarding nicotine-containing e-cigarettes or e-cigarette liquids on their website.
1.Este artículo se proporciona exclusivamente para fines de investigación profesional relacionados con la industria, la tecnología y la política. Cualquier referencia a marcas o productos se realiza únicamente con fines descriptivos y no constituye un respaldo, recomendación o promoción de ninguna marca o producto.
2.El uso de productos de nicotina, incluidos pero no limitados a cigarrillos, cigarrillos electrónicos y productos de tabaco calentado, está asociado con riesgos significativos para la salud. Se requiere que los usuarios cumplan con todas las leyes y regulaciones pertinentes en sus respectivas jurisdicciones.
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