Interview with NNPA.EU: EU Nicotine Pouch Users on the Rise, Market Projected to Reach €2.1 Billion

Industry Insight by 2FIRSTS, edited by Sophia
Interview with NNPA.EU: EU Nicotine Pouch Users on the Rise, Market Projected to Reach €2.1 Billion
EVO NXT Interview: 2FIRSTS discussed nicotine pouch market trends with NNPA.EU leaders Jonas Lundqvist and Rebert Casinge.

Recently, at the EVO NXT tobacco exhibition in Spain, 2FIRSTS engaged in a deep discussion with Jonas Lundqvist, CEO of the Nordic Nicotine Pouches Alliance (NNPA.EU), and Robert Casinge, Editor-in-Chief of, about the trends, regulations, and future development of the nicotine pouch market. The NNPA.EU, headquartered in Brussels, has been studying the trends in oral tobacco consumption for 20 years.


Interview with NNPA.EU: EU Nicotine Pouch Users on the Rise, Market Projected to Reach €2.1 Billion
Jonas Lundqvist (left) and Robert Casinge (right) | Image source: 2FIRSTS


EU Market is Experiencing Robust Growth


According to data, the number of nicotine pouch users in the European Union is steadily increasing, reaching 2.6 million. The adult usage rate is 0.7%, with an annual growth rate of 7%. This trend indicates a continued interest and acceptance among consumers for this product. Nicotine pouches overlap with traditional cigarettes, especially among users seeking reduced harm alternatives.


In terms of market, the European Union has over 90 nicotine pouch brands, with main producing countries including Sweden, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Italy, and the Czech Republic. The majority of sales channels are offline, accounting for 68%, while online sales make up 32%. Forecasts indicate that by 2027, the nicotine pouch market value is expected to reach 15-16 billion euros, potentially even reaching 21 billion euros, provided that the policy environment remains favorable.


Regulatory Challenges to be Addressed


However, the nicotine pouch market also faces regulatory challenges. While most European Union countries consider it a general consumer product, there are still some countries that classify it as a tobacco product or a medicine/food product.


For example, the number of snus (nicotine pouch) users in Sweden is similar to the EU average, but the proportion of cigarette smokers is lower (5-6%), especially among young people, leading the World Health Organization to consider Sweden a smoke-free country. However, 9 EU countries classify nicotine pouch as a tobacco-related product, 4 as a medicine/food, and most countries (14) consider it a general consumer product.


As the host country of this exhibition, Spain's policies are unclear, while Bulgaria and Greece have specific tax policies on nicotine pouches.


Although the European Union has not yet established specific regulations, signs indicate that it may include it in the Tobacco Products Directive in the future. Of particular note is that Nordic governments are actively strengthening regulation of nicotine pouches, with Finland recently legalizing them as smoking cessation aids and imposing restrictions on sales to curb illegal smuggling and sales.


Public Attitudes Divide, Caution Needed in Product Innovation


There is a certain amount of disagreement in public attitudes. A public opinion consultation by the European Commission showed that the public and health organizations generally support nicotine pouches as a smoking cessation tool, but regulators are cautious about their health impacts. For example, it is deemed acceptable for each nicotine pouch to contain 20mg of nicotine, and products with high nicotine content should not exceed 50mg.


The popularity of nicotine pouches is mainly due to their simple and convenient nature - no charging or e-liquid is required, making them easy to carry and suitable for replacing traditional cigarettes. However, the issues of product flavor and market demand should not be overlooked. Manufacturers need to be cautious of flavors that may appeal to children, and strengthen the control and balance of chemical ingredients.


Therefore, although the nicotine pouch market is showing strong momentum in growth, regulatory disputes and public concerns are still ongoing. The key to future development lies in changes in the policy environment and the improvement of market innovation capabilities.


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