Mason Vap, a company in the top 500 companies in Shenzhen, has experienced an unexpected decline.

Industry Insight by Bobby
Mason Vap, a company in the top 500 companies in Shenzhen, has experienced an unexpected decline.
14 e-cigarette companies have made it to the 2023 Shenzhen Top 500 List; however, Mason Vap, surprisingly, is no longer included in the list due to a decrease in its revenue.

最近,2023年深圳市500强企业名单公布了。该排名基于2022年公司年收入而定。共有14家电子烟公司入选。然而,2FIRSTS发现此前上榜的电子烟公司Mason Vap这次出人意料地没能入选。

Mason Vap, a company in the top 500 companies in Shenzhen, has experienced an unexpected decline.
通过审查2022年深圳市前500家公司的排名,我们可以对Mason Vap的年收入做出粗略估计。| 图片来源:深圳企业联合会

Mason Vap dropped out of the Shenzhen Top 500 Enterprises list for what reason?

Mason Vap, a company in the top 500 companies in Shenzhen, has experienced an unexpected decline.
Sebuah situs rekrutmen khusus menampilkan bahwa Mason Vap sedang merekrut untuk posisi manajer perdagangan luar negeri, dengan lokasi kerja yang ditentukan di Indonesia.

因为Mason Vap不是一家上市公司,所以其具体营收数据不可获得。然而,通过检查2022年深圳500强企业榜单中列出的公司顺序,2FIRSTS可以大致估计Mason Vap的年度营收。

在美国的排名前三位之前,上榜公司深圳黑娜(股票代码:300961,排名第479位)在2021年实现了5.49亿元人民币的营收,这表明Mason Vap同年的营收略低于这个数字。另一方面,深圳蓝普科技有限公司(股票代码:002577,排名第489位)在Mason Vap之后排名第10位,2021年实现了4.87亿元人民币的营收。

根据上述数据可以推测,美国电子烟公司Mason Vap预计2021年的收入在4.87亿元至5.49亿元之间。(另一家电子烟公司Innokin的2021年收入也在这个范围内)。

根据2023年深圳市前500家公司排名,深圳市金一科技有限公司(股票代码:002869)排名最后,位列第488位。该公司2022年的收入为4.91亿元人民币。这表明Mason Vap在2022年的收入低于这一数字,相比2021年的4.87-5.49亿元收入范围有所下降。

Mason Vap's revenue declined in 2022 because some of its operations were relocated to the factory established in Batam, Indonesia. This information was obtained by 2FIRSTS from Mason Vap's overseas operations, as reported by industry insiders.

Although there is no official information available, a Google search conducted by 2FIRSTS has revealed that Mason Vap does indeed have a factory in Indonesia. The factory, named "PT. MASON VAP INDONESIA," is located in Batam City. Furthermore, 2FIRSTS also found job postings on recruitment platforms indicating that Mason Vap is actively hiring an international trade manager, with the designated work location being Indonesia. This further confirms the company's expansion plans in the region.

这种情况可能解释了为什么梅森瓦普公司的收入预计将在2022年减少,随后在2023年被逐出深圳市前500强企业名单。 This situation could possibly explain why Mason Vap Corporation's revenue is expected to decrease in 2022, leading to its eventual exclusion from the list of the top 500 companies in Shenzhen in 2023.

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