Interpretation: Russian Flavor Limit to Cover All E-liquids

Regulations by Leona Zhu; Jason Liang; Ellesmere Zhu
Interpretation: Russian Flavor Limit to Cover All E-liquids
2FIRSTS researcher interpreted the proposal that essentially covers all e-liquid for vaporized e-cigarettes currently circulating in the market.

On April 11, the Russian State Duma held a plenary session, where over 99% of the votes were cast in favor of the "Proposal on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the "Proposal"). The proposal includes provisions such as banning the addition of flavorings to e-cigarettes. The bill will be submitted to the Federation Council for review and awaits the President's signature.


Following the proposal's approval, questions have arisen regarding whether e-cigarettes can still be sold in the Russian market, whether tobacco and menthol-flavored e-cigarettes can be sold, and when the transition period will end. Jason Liang, a 2FIRSTS market researcher in the Russian market, provided a professional interpretation of the proposal.


Interpretation: Russian Flavor Limit to Cover All E-liquids
Jason Liang | 2FIRSTS


Proposal content

For nicotine-containing liquids, non-nicotine liquids, and nicotine solutions (including liquids for electronic nicotine delivery devices), the Russian Federation Government has the authority to determine a list of substances prohibited for addition to these products, which would "increase their appeal and (or) enhance nicotine addiction." The production and sale of products containing these substances are not allowed.


2FIRSTS interpretation

The proposal prohibits the production and sale of e-cigarettes containing flavorings and nicotine-addictive substances, including both nicotine-containing and non-nicotine products. This essentially covers all e-liquid for vaporized e-cigarettes currently circulating in the market.


According to the discussions in the Duma session, these flavor additives and nicotine-addictive substances primarily refer to popular fruit flavors and other stimulating flavored e-cigarette vape juices. The specific additive standards are pending further disclosure from the Russian Federation Government.


This part of the proposal will come into effect on September 1, 2023.


For now, e-cigarettes can still be sold in the Russian market. As for whether tobacco and menthol-flavored e-cigarettes can be sold, the specific scope of the flavor additive ban was not mentioned in this bill. Further clarification from the Russian Federation Government is needed.


2FIRSTS will continue to report on this issue, and an interpretation article on the "Regulation of Minimum Sale Price for Nicotine-Containing Products" will be published later. Please stay tuned.


Also read: 

Russia Passes New Bill Banning All Vape Flavors

Russian PM Mishustin Considers Ban on E-cigarettes

Timeline of Russian Vape Law Development

*This article is an original article of 2FIRSTS Technology Co., Ltd. The copyright and license rights belong to the company. Any entity or individual shall make link and credit 2FIRSTS when taking actions to copy, reprint or distribute the original article. The company retains the right to pursue its legal responsibility.

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