China's E-cig Export to US Increases in October, 2023, a YoY Decrease of 11.5%

Market by Mincy
China's E-cig Export to US Increases in October, 2023, a YoY Decrease of 11.5%
According to the latest trade data from China's General Administration of Customs, 2FIRSTS reports on e-cigarette exports to the United States in October 2023.

According to the updated trade data from the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China, 2FIRSTS has compiled the e-cigarette export figures from China to the United States in October 2023. The details are as follows:

China's E-cig Export to US Increases in October, 2023, a YoY Decrease of 11.5%
Image source: 2FIRSTS (created by Mincy)


The export value amounted to approximately $256 million, showing a marginal increase of 0.02% sequentially, but a decrease of 11.49% compared to the same period last year.

China's E-cig Export to US Increases in October, 2023, a YoY Decrease of 11.5%
Source of the image: 2FIRSTS (Created by Mincy)


The export volume recorded approximately 5940 tons, showing a decrease of 1.57% compared to the previous period and an increase of 6.35% compared to the same period last year.

China's E-cig Export to US Increases in October, 2023, a YoY Decrease of 11.5%
Source of the image: 2FIRSTS (graph by Mincy)


The export unit price rose 1.62% month-on-month, but decreased by 16.78% year-on-year, reaching $43.08 per kilogram. The average price for "e-cigarettes and similar personal electronic vaporizers" was $2.89 per unit.

China's E-cig Export to US Increases in October, 2023, a YoY Decrease of 11.5%
Image source: 2FIRSTS (Graphics by Mincy)


Among them, "e-cigarettes and similar personal electronic vaporizers" account for 22.17% of the export product category, while "non-combustible products containing nicotine, excluding tobacco or reconstituted tobacco" account for 77.83%.

China's E-cig Export to US Increases in October, 2023, a YoY Decrease of 11.5%
Source of the image: 2FIRSTS (made by Mincy).


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