China State Tobacco Monopoly Administration Issues Inspection Notice

Titled "Notice on Conducting Special Inspections to Regulate the Market Order of Electronic Cigarettes by the Office of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration"

Disclaimer: This notice is translated from "国家烟草专卖局办公室关于开展规范电子烟市场秩序专项检查的通知" issued by the China State Tobacco Monopoly Administration (STMA) on Feb. 28, 2023.  The translation is provided for reference only. The Chinese original text attached to the end of this article is the only authoritative source of information.


Notice on Conducting Special Inspections to Regulate the Market Order of Electronic Cigarettes by the Office of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration


Provincial-level tobacco monopoly bureaus, the Zhengzhou Tobacco Research Institute of China National Tobacco Corporation, and Shanghai New Tobacco Product Research Institute Co., Ltd.:


Recently, under the deployment of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration, various local tobacco monopoly bureaus across the country have cracked down on a number of cases involving the illegal production and sale of flavored electronic cigarettes that do not comply with the mandatory national standard for electronic cigarettes (GB 41700-2022) and have not passed the technical evaluation. These cases involve flavored electronic cigarettes other than tobacco flavor, which are expressly prohibited from being sold according to the Electronic Cigarette Management Regulations (State Tobacco Monopoly Administration Notice No. 1 of 2022), and also include severe crackdowns on hidden and variant electronic cigarettes such as "milk tea cups" and "cola tins". These actions have effectively protected public health and safety, especially the physical and mental health of young people, and have achieved phased results. However, there are still incidents of electronic cigarette production and operation without a tobacco monopoly license, and some market entities that have legally obtained tobacco monopoly licenses are evading supervision and even engaging in illegal activities. Some electronic cigarette manufacturers are conducting transactions outside of management platforms, and some are still producing "flavored electronic cigarettes" illegally. Some retail market entities are using the internet and micro-businesses to illegally sell electronic cigarettes. In order to further consolidate the results of supervision and law enforcement, standardize the order of the electronic cigarette market, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of market entities and consumers, and continuously promote the legalization and standardized governance of the electronic cigarette industry, the National Tobacco Monopoly Bureau has decided to organize a special inspection to regulate the order of the electronic cigarette market. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:


I. General Requirements and Principles


Guided by Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will comprehensively implement the "Tobacco Monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China," "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors," "Implementation Regulations of the Tobacco Monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China," "Administrative Measures for Electronic Cigarettes," and mandatory national standards for electronic cigarettes. Through conducting special inspections on production enterprises, wholesale enterprises, and retail market entities related to electronic cigarettes, we will comprehensively identify evidence and clues of illegal production and sales of electronic cigarettes, and focus on regulating the production and business activities of electronic cigarette market entities, in order to create a favorable environment for promoting the legalization, standardization, and governance of the electronic cigarette industry.


I. Adhere to law-based regulation. Strengthen law-based administration, regulation, and law enforcement, use the rule of law thinking and methods, supervise the legal and compliant operation of electronic cigarette market entities that have obtained tobacco monopoly licenses in accordance with the law, shut down electronic cigarette market entities that have not obtained tobacco monopoly licenses in accordance with the law, investigate and crack down on illegal production and sale of electronic cigarettes, and standardize the electronic cigarette market order.


II. Ensure people's health and safety. Implement the development concept of putting people first, actively respond to social concerns, take effective measures, conduct comprehensive inspections and clean-ups at the production source, circulation channels, and retail markets, eliminate unqualified and non-compliant electronic cigarette products from illegally entering the market, safeguard consumer rights, and protect minors from electronic cigarette harm.


III. Strengthen coordination and linkage. Adhere to overall planning and overall promotion, promote the construction of a national "overall situation" and industry "full chain" electronic cigarette regulatory work pattern. Work with local governments and public security, market supervision, and other departments to strengthen clue tracing, consultation and judgment, joint law enforcement, promote joint governance, and enhance work effectiveness.

II. Timetable


I. Mobilization and deployment, detailed plan (from now until March 5). The State Tobacco Monopoly Administration will issue a special inspection notice, formulate inspection plans, deploy tasks, and clarify responsibilities and work priorities. Provincial-level tobacco monopoly bureaus will refine work plans and coordinate inspection work within their jurisdiction according to the inspection tasks.


II. Comprehensive inspection, cleaning and rectification (from March 6 to April 25). Inspections and rectification will be carried out simultaneously. Problems and leads discovered during inspections will be promptly transferred for handling, typical cases will be investigated and solved, and a sound management system will be established to follow up on subsequent supervision and rectification work.


III. Summarize and enhance, strengthen long-term effectiveness (long-term persistence). The results of the special inspection will be carefully summarized, and the provincial-level tobacco monopoly bureaus and inspection teams will report the results to the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration before April 30. The tobacco monopoly bureaus at all levels will strengthen the use of inspection results, crack down on illegal production and business activities, and shut down market entities that have not obtained tobacco monopoly licenses in accordance with the law.


III. Inspection Focus


I. Electronic cigarette-related production enterprises.


(1) Unlicensed tobacco monopoly production enterprises that produce and operate electronic cigarette nicotine, aerosols, electronic cigarette products and other goods illegally after the transition period ends on October 1, 2022.


(2) Licensed tobacco monopoly production enterprises that produce electronic cigarette products for domestic sales will be the focus of inspection. The inspection will focus on whether they produce (or contract processing of) untested domestic electronic cigarette products, whether they produce "flavored electronic cigarettes", whether they sell products through unregulated channels, and whether they sell products through electronic cigarette trading platforms. For those who produce electronic cigarette nicotine, aerosols and other raw materials, the focus of the inspection will be on the source of their raw materials and the flow of their products, as well as whether they supply goods to unlicensed tobacco monopoly enterprises.


II. Electronic cigarette wholesale companies.


For tobacco monopoly wholesale companies that have obtained licenses in accordance with the law. Key inspections include whether there is a product brand and specification access system, as well as management of market and promotional activities by manufacturing companies, electronic cigarette product management rules, and logistics capabilities.


III. Subjects in the electronic cigarette retail market.


For those who have not obtained a tobacco monopoly retail license in accordance with the law. Key inspections include whether they are engaging in illegal sales of electronic cigarettes after the end of the transition period on October 1, 2022.


For those who have obtained a tobacco monopoly retail license in accordance with the law. Key inspections include whether they have set up warning signs to protect minors, whether they are selling electronic cigarette products to minors, whether they are selling "flavored electronic cigarettes", whether they are purchasing electronic cigarette products from channels outside of electronic cigarette wholesale companies that have obtained tobacco monopoly licenses locally, whether they are selling electronic cigarette products online, and whether they have exclusive rights to operate electronic cigarette products, etc.


IV. Inspection Methods


I. Trace the origin. Through comprehensive complaints and reports, market investigations, platform transactions, internet-related electronic cigarette activities, and electronic cigarette logistics and delivery, regulatory information will be gathered to identify illegal production and business operations, and to focus on investigating the source of illegal electronic cigarette production.


II. Purify the market. On-site inspections will be conducted on electronic cigarette market entities, including production and business premises, warehouses, and storefronts, to promptly clear and remove illegal products from the market. The dynamic management of permits will be implemented to regulate the production and business operations of market entities that have obtained tobacco monopoly licenses in accordance with the law.


III. Hold accountable. The evidence of illegal production and business operations will be solidified, and a number of cases of illegal production and business of electronic cigarettes will be seriously investigated and dealt with. If illegal activities constitute a crime, the case will be promptly transferred to the judicial organs for criminal responsibility in accordance with the law to create a deterrent effect and strengthen the quality and effectiveness of electronic cigarette supervision.


V. Work Requirements


I. Raise awareness and strengthen leadership. Fully recognizing the important significance of special inspections for regulating the order of the electronic cigarette market, safeguarding consumer rights, and protecting the healthy growth of minors, electronic cigarette regulatory responsibilities will be effectively fulfilled. The organization, leadership, coordination, and efficiency of the special inspection will be strengthened. The "double random, one open" supervision and the "streamlining administration and delegating power" reform requirements will be implemented, and fair, just, and civilized law enforcement will be strictly regulated while adhering to the bottom line of integrity and self-discipline.


II. Carefully organize and coordinate. The State Tobacco Monopoly Administration will organize and coordinate with the previously deployed electronic cigarette market regulatory work inspection and routine supervision. The State Tobacco Monopoly Administration and provincial-level tobacco monopoly administrations will form several inspection teams to conduct layered and classified inspections. Provincial-level tobacco monopoly administrations should take the initiative to coordinate with local public security and market supervision departments to ensure that inspections are conducted at every enterprise and household.


III. Strengthen propaganda and effective guidance. Strengthen the promotion and implementation of electronic cigarette laws, regulations, and policies, guide electronic cigarette market entities to operate in compliance with the law, supervise electronic cigarette market entities that have obtained tobacco monopoly licenses to conduct transactions, and register through electronic cigarette trading platforms in accordance with the law. Strengthen the use of cases to interpret the law and demonstrate the warning, and create a regulatory deterrent. Actively respond to social concerns, timely reflect on the effectiveness of special inspections, and create a good public opinion atmosphere.


Provincial-level tobacco monopoly administrations and inspection teams should timely organize new situations, new problems, typical cases, and phased progress encountered in the special inspection, and do a good job in relevant reporting, communication, and work connection. After the special inspection is completed, the work effectiveness, beneficial experience, outstanding problems, major cases investigated, policy recommendations, and other situations of the work will be comprehensively summarized and reported to the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration.


State Tobacco Monopoly Administration Office

February 28, 2023

Original text:



 近期,各地烟草专卖局在国家烟草专卖局部署下,依法查处了一批非法制售不符合《电子烟》强制性国家标准(GB 41700-2022)未通过技术审评的“口味电子烟”〔即《电子烟管理办法》(国家烟草专卖局公告2022年第1号)明确规定禁止销售的除烟草口味外的调味电子烟〕案件,严厉打击非法制售“奶茶杯”“可乐罐”等隐形变异电子烟行为,有力保护人民健康安全特别是青少年身心健康,取得阶段性成效。但是无烟草专卖许可证生产经营电子烟行为时有发生,少数依法获得烟草专卖许可证的市场主体规避监管,甚至违法违规,有的电子烟生产企业在交易管理平台以外进行交易,个别电子烟生产企业仍违法生产“口味电子烟”,个别零售市场主体运用互联网和微商违法销售电子烟等。为进一步巩固监管执法成果,规范电子烟市场秩序,维护合法市场主体和消费者权益,持续推动电子烟产业法治化规范化治理,国家烟草专卖局决定组织开展规范电子烟市场秩序专项检查。现将有关事项通知如下:



以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面落实《 中华人民共和国烟草专卖法》《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》《中华人民共和国烟草专卖法实施条例》及《电子烟管理办法》、《电子烟》强制性国家标准等规定,通过开展对电子烟相关生产企业、电子烟批发企业、电子烟零售市场主体专项检查,全面摸排非法制售电子烟证据线索,着力规范电子烟市场主体生产经营活动,为推动电子烟产业法治化规范化治理营造良好环境。
































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