Falmouth City to Potentially Become Maine's Sixth Tobacco Ban

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Falmouth City to Potentially Become Maine's Sixth Tobacco Ban
Falmouth, Maine may become the state's sixth municipality to ban the sale of flavored tobacco products.

According to WMTW on October 23rd, the city of Farmington in the state of Maine may become the sixth municipal unit in the state to ban the sale of flavored tobacco. At a regular city council meeting, the council members reviewed a proposal put forth by the regulatory committee. This regulation will not prohibit the use of such products within the city, nor will it impact the sale of tobacco products with flavors or any FDA-approved smoking cessation products, regardless of their taste.


In response to how this ban will be enforced, legislator Amy Kuhn highlighted that it will be the responsibility of the city's administration office, not the police, to determine compliance with the ban. This proposed regulation includes a mechanism for reporting non-compliance as well as a system of fines for violators. With regard to Kuhn's background, the city has eight businesses that sell tobacco products, none of which exclusively sell tobacco products.


City Councilman Tommy Johnson pointed out that the legislative body is considering a state-level ban, which may render a local ban unnecessary, suggesting that enacting new regulations at the local level may be "insignificant.


Jay Trickett, the deputy chairman of the city council, has expressed his interest in obtaining public health data on this issue. Following the council's sufficient support, a public hearing has been scheduled for March 12, 2024. If approved, the ban will come into effect on the same date.


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