HK Government to Exempt E-Cigarettes Ban in Transshipment

On March 22, The Hong Kong government stated that The Import and Export (Amendment) Bill 2023 would be gazetted this Friday (March 24). The bill aims to improve the regulatory system for alternative smoking products from the Mainland via Hong Kong to other overseas markets.
HK Government to Exempt E-Cigarettes Ban in Transshipment


On March 22, The Hong Kong government stated that The Import and Export (Amendment) Bill 2023 would be gazetted this Friday (March 24) to amend the Import and Export Ordinance (Cap. 60) (IEO), with consequential amendments to the Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance (Cap. 371) (SPHO), to improve the control and regulatory regime relating to the transshipment of alternative smoking products (ASPs) from the Mainland via Hong Kong to other overseas markets.


The banning of transshipment in Hongkong has made the e-cigarettes coming out of Shenzhen look for other transshipment destinations such as Korea to complete their delivery. It had a significant effect on the shipment cost and time. With the transshipment exemption in Hong Kong, it would mean that e-cigarette products coming out of Shenzhen can once again enjoy the efficient logistics services of Hong Kong.


The Transport and Logistics Bureau spokesman said that the Government had noticed the ban on intermodal ASP transshipment since April 30, 2022, has caused substantial loss to Hong Kong's air cargo transshipment business. Therefore, intermodal ASP transshipment should be exempted under a new regulatory regime to prevent alternative smoking products from entering the local market.


The Hong Kong Logistics Development Council (LOGSCOUNCIL) welcomes and supports the legislative proposals under the Import and Export (Amendment) Bill 2023 for the transshipment of alternative smoking products.


A spokesman for the LOGSCOUNCIL said, "While supporting the Government's effort in protecting public health, members consider it equally important to resume ASP transshipment quickly because of its importance to Hong Kong's logistics and air cargo industries."


"The industry will fully cooperate with the Government in implementing the new control scheme, which will be under the administration, supervision, and enforcement by the Customs and Excise Department for enhancing the monitoring and supervision of intermodal ASP transshipment," the spokesman added.


The bill will be submitted to the Legislative Council for consideration next Wednesday (March 29).


Import and Export (Amendment) Bill 2023 for transhipment of alternative smoking products to be gazetted on Friday

LOGSCOUNCIL supports legislative proposals under Import and Export (Amendment) Bill 2023 for transhipment of alternative smoking products


Also read:

Hong Kong to Re-discuss Lifting Trans-shipment Ban on E-Cigs on Nov.28

HK Boosts Amendment on Transshipment Ban Due to Great Loss

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