Results of a study just published in Frontiers in Digital Health, an international scientific journal, show that teen drug use can be cut dramatically using a newly developed e-learning program that is fun, engaging, and easily accessed with digital devices routinely used by today's teens. Class sessions to practice the skills taught in the program were also included.
The e-learning program is a digital version of the Botvin Life Skills Training (LST) program and is designed to provide middle school students with the knowledge and skills needed to promote health, wellness, and resilience. LST has been extensively tested and proven effective through research published in over 30 scientific papers. The study published today is the first to prove the effectiveness of the new e-learning adaptation of LST. It also provides evidence that a hybrid digital program is effective when self-paced e-learning modules and teacher-led class sessions are combined.
The current study included 1,447 students from 23 middle schools across the United States. Schools were randomly assigned to receive the e-learning program and class sessions or serve as a "treatment-as-usual" control group. Compared to controls, students who received the e-learning program and class sessions showed significantly less cigarette smoking, e-cigarette and vaping use, excess alcohol use, marijuana use, and prescription drug misuse. They also showed increased health knowledge and skills knowledge, increased decision-making skills, increased skills related to coping with anxiety and anger, more effective communication and social skills, and increased conflict resolution and assertiveness skills.
"These are very exciting findings," said Dr. Gilbert J. Botvin, professor emeritus at Cornell University's Weill Medical College and developer of the LST program. "As access to new technology becomes more available, it is important that we utilize that technology to meet the health needs of schools, families, and communities."
The new hybrid digital version of LST was developed by National Health Promotion Associates (NHPA) and tested by a team of researchers led by Dr. Kenneth Griffin, a professor of global and community health at George Mason University, and Dr. Christopher Williams, director of research at NHPA and adjunct associate professor of psychology at Purchase College, State University of New York.
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