Turkish Police Bust Massive Cigarette Smuggling Operation

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Turkish Police Bust Massive Cigarette Smuggling Operation
Turkish police seize large amounts of smuggled tobacco products and take legal action against 6 suspects.

According to reports from Haberler on September 26th, the Turkish Ordu Police conducted an operation within the framework of combating smuggling and seized numerous smuggled tobacco products. Legal action has been taken against six individuals suspected of involvement.


After the diligent efforts of the Provincial Police's Smuggling and Organized Crime Division, a residential search in the Altinodu District resulted in the confiscation of 124 smuggled items, including 11 e-cigarettes and 7 bottles of e-cigarette liquid.


During the search conducted in two workplaces, one warehouse, and one residence in the Fasa district, authorities discovered a total of 12.4 million empty cigarette tubes, 37,000 tobacco-filled cigarette tubes, one electronic cigarette machine, one large-scale compressor, and 162 kilograms of loose shredded tobacco. Throughout the investigation that led to the seizure, a total of six suspects were apprehended, and legal proceedings have been initiated.


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