UK to Restrict Marketing and Sales of Vapes to Children

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UK to Restrict Marketing and Sales of Vapes to Children
UK government plans to restrict marketing and sales of e-cigarettes for children after 12-year-old Sarah Griffin fell into a coma.

Recently, according to a report by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), a 12-year-old British girl named Sarah Griffin has been diagnosed with asthma. A month ago, she was admitted to the hospital due to respiratory issues, which led to her being in a coma for four days. It has also been revealed that she frequently uses e-cigarettes.


The UK government has announced plans to restrict the marketing and sales of e-cigarettes targeted at children. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak stated that these proposals will seek public opinion within the next eight weeks, with the aim of reducing the appeal of e-cigarettes to children by limiting their colors and attractiveness. This move is intended to reverse the alarming increase in the number of teenagers using e-cigarettes.


Health Minister Steve Barclay has stated that the government is committed to taking legislative action immediately following consultations. He told the British Broadcasting Corporation that both headteachers and parents are concerned about our children becoming targets of e-cigarette companies.


Shadow Health Secretary Wes Stringer, speaking at the Labour Party conference, stated that the party will take strong measures to crackdown on e-cigarette companies promoting flavors such as "Rainbow Burst" to children.


Four days later, Sarah is gradually recovering and currently undergoing rehabilitation, but her lungs have sustained permanent damage. Sarah hopes that her experience can help other individuals of her age recognize the dangers posed by e-cigarettes.


"Do not initiate this action, as once you start doing it, you will not cease," she cautioned.


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