Central America

PMI's Veev Now E-Cigarette Reducing Tobacco Consumption in Trinidad and Tobago
Philip Morris International's e-cigarette brand Veev Now has helped reduce Trinidad and Tobago's cigarette consumption by 2.5 million.

Costa Rica Implements Ban on E-Cigarettes and Related Products
Costa Rica's Health Ministry issued Resolution MS-DM-RC-2381-2024 banning e-cigarettes and related products with synthetic nicotine or cannabis.

Panamá América Reports Constitutional Court Decision on E-Cigarettes
Panama's Supreme Court declares law banning e-cigarettes and vaping devices unconstitutional, sparking debate over legislative process.

Costa Rica to Ban E-cigarette Liquid with Synthetic Nicotine
Costa Rica bans e-cigarette liquid containing synthetic nicotine and cannabis compounds to protect public health, effective immediately.

WHO COP10 and MOP3 Meetings Postponed to 2024
The World Health Organization announced that the 10th Conference of the Parties and the 3rd Meeting of the Parties for the FCTC and the Protocol have been postponed until 2024.

E-cigarette Concept Stock Lenda's H1 Report: Decreased Revenue, Reduced Loss.
Listed company Lingda Corporation, a concept stock of e-cigarettes, released its semi-annual report for 2023, showing a 27.16% YoY decrease in revenue and a reduced net loss of 3.24 million yuan.

Stoptober: UK Initiative Encourages Smoking Cessation with NRT and E-Cigarettes
Stoptober encourages smokers to quit in October through NHS-supported nicotine replacement therapy and advice.

Addressing menthol cigarette usage, vaping, highlights policy inequities
The gap is apparent – 85% of Black and African American cigarette smokers use menthol cigarettes compared to 29% of white cigarette smokers.