2022 Global E-Cigarette Sales Summary

Industry Insight by Alice Wang
2022 Global E-Cigarette Sales Summary
The Eastern Tobacco Report forecasts booming growth for e-cigarettes, with a projected 20% increase in sales at the end of 2022.

Recently, the Eastern Tobacco News published an article entitled "2022 Global Tobacco Development Report (Part 1)" authored by the Policy Research Office of the National Economic Research Institute.


According to the article, the growth of e-cigarettes will accelerate in 2022. The global e-cigarette sales revenue reached $23.65 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 20.0%.


Looking at the specific categories, the total sales of open systems and refillable e-liquids were $8.72 billion, an 8.1% increase year over year. Closed system e-cigarettes had sales of $14.93 billion, a 28.2% increase. Of that, pod-style e-cigarettes and disposable e-cigarettes accounted for 82.9% and 17.1%, respectively. Sales of disposable e-cigarettes were $2.55 billion, nearly double from the previous year.


According to market data, the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada are the top three countries in terms of e-cigarette sales, with sales figures of $9.0 billion, $5.03 billion, and $1.98 billion respectively. In terms of companies, British American Tobacco, JUUL Labs, and RELX Tech are the top three globally, with market shares of 17.4%, 14.4%, and 8.9% respectively, based on e-cigarette sales.


Reference material:


The Eastern Tobacco Daily

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