Bluefield, Virginia Plans to Introduce New E-Cigarette Store Regulations

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Bluefield, Virginia Plans to Introduce New E-Cigarette Store Regulations
Bluefield town in Virginia plans to introduce permits for e-cigarette shops in response to concerns over their proliferation.

According to WVVA's report in 2024, the town of Bluefield in Virginia is planning to introduce a licensing system for new e-cigarette stores. The town government discussed this measure on Wednesday evening to gather public opinions. The decision to address concerns regarding the proliferation of e-cigarette retailers in the area prompted this discussion.


Andrew Hanson, the manager of Blufield Township, has stated that if any changes occur, merchants will need to present their business plans to the town's planning committee and council, who will then decide whether or not to grant them a license.


Hansen expressed, "If individuals come here for legitimate reasons to conduct business, that is not a problem. They have the right to operate their own businesses, but we need stricter control over what they sell and where they sell in town, to ensure that not every vacant store becomes an e-cigarette, tobacco, or smoke shop.


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