Breaking: HB 1161 Flavor Ban Awaits Review in Pennsylvania

Regulations by Sophia L
Breaking: HB 1161 Flavor Ban Awaits Review in Pennsylvania
HB 1161, which would ban tobacco and nicotine products in any flavor other than tobacco is going through a committee hearing.

Legislative bill HB 1161, which targets a wide range of tobacco and nicotine products, is slated for a committee hearing. The bill proposes a sweeping ban that includes menthol cigarettes, all flavored e-cigarettes, and even those tobacco products that have previously received FDA authorization under the "appropriate for the protection of public health" (APPH) standard.


Specifically, HB 1161 intends to outlaw the sale and distribution of tobacco and nicotine products in any flavor other than the traditional tobacco taste. This move could have significant implications for both consumers and the tobacco industry.


Stakeholders, industry representatives, and the general public are advised to mark their calendars for the forthcoming hearing:


- Date: Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023
- Time: 9:00 AM
- Location: Room 140, Main Capitol, Harrisburg, PA


The hearing will provide an opportunity for discussions, debates, and public comments on the bill's provisions and potential impacts. All interested parties are encouraged to attend.

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