Indiana Delays E-Cigarette Sales Restrictions, Considers New Regulations

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Indiana Delays E-Cigarette Sales Restrictions, Considers New Regulations
Butler city in Indiana has further postponed e-cigarette sales restrictions after discovering the sale of hallucinogenic substances in stores.

According to a report by WANE News on October 16, the city of Butler, located in the state of Indiana, has decided to once again postpone the regulation that restricts the sale of e-cigarette devices within the city limits. Mark Heffelfinger, Chief of Police in Butler, pointed out that there are four gas stations in the city, two of which sell a large quantity of e-cigarette products.


Heffelfinger revealed that "one day last year, a total of 10 e-cigarettes were seized within a primary school in the town, which made us realize the need for action."


On the eve of Sunday's joint meeting, Hefelfing learned that certain stores were still selling a substance he hoped to include in the prohibited list of regulations - a hallucinogenic mushroom.


Hepherinfage said, "I discovered online today that it takes approximately 30 minutes to an hour for it to take effect and then it maintains its stimulating effects for about six hours. This substance is readily available on store shelves, so we intend to include it in the legislation we are already drafting and prohibit its sale.


The proposed regulation includes a provision that allows only businesses that require consumers to be at least 21 years old to enter to sell these substances.


The state law in Indiana prohibits individuals under the age of 21 from purchasing e-cigarettes. This regulation will be further discussed at the next joint meeting.


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