Canadian Tobacco Company Urges Government for Harm Reduction Measures

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Canadian Tobacco Company Urges Government for Harm Reduction Measures
Canadian tobacco company ITCAN urges government to adopt harm reduction approach to achieve smoking rate below 5% by 2035.

Canadian media outlet Muskoka411 reported on January 22nd that, as National Non-Smoking Week begins, Imperial Tobacco Canada (ITCAN) is urging the government and public health organizations to adopt harm reduction principles in order to achieve the goal of reducing smoking rates to below 5% by 2035.


Frank Silva, President and CEO of ITCAN, expressed that "harm reduction has proven effective in other industries, and we firmly believe it is the most effective way to reduce smoking rates in Canada." He added, "Governments and public health organizations can fulfill their responsibilities by actively supporting harm reduction and providing accessible solutions to Canadians."


ITCAN believes that through collective efforts, including industry, public health, and anti-smoking organizations, the stagnant smoking rates in Canada can be overcome. This requires the active participation of all relevant groups in open dialogues, for the benefit of public health, while also preventing biases against relatively lower-risk alternatives and addressing illegal products that may harm consumers.


Mr. Silva stated, "Despite having one of the world's most stringent regulations, the latest data from Statistics Canada shows that while there has been some progress, we still have a long way to go." He added, "We all recognize the health risks associated with smoking and agree that quitting is the best solution. Ensuring that adult smokers have access to accurate information and new, lower-risk alternatives to smoking is crucial in further reducing Canada's smoking rates."


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