Concerns over E-cigarette Advertising in UK Harlow City Council

Regulations by
UK Green Party leader Yasmin Gregory raises concerns about e-cigarette advertising in pharmacies, questioning the council's authority to prevent sales.

According to reports from foreign media, Yasmin Gregory, the leader of the Green Party in Harlow City Council in the UK, raised concerns during a parliamentary meeting regarding the appropriateness of pharmacies displaying e-cigarette advertisements and inquired about the council's authority to block the sale of such products.


In response, the spokesperson for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Conservative MP Nicky Purse, confirmed that Parliament does not have the authority to prevent any venue from selling or displaying e-cigarette advertisements. Gregory also expressed concerns about the recycling issue of disposable e-cigarettes.


The British government is planning to gradually ban the sale of tobacco and impose stricter restrictions on e-cigarettes in order to protect children. The Tobacco and E-cigarette Bill will limit the sale of tobacco to ensure that individuals aged 14 and younger will never be legally allowed to purchase cigarettes.


King Charles III stated in his speech to Parliament last week that the government plans to create a smoke-free generation by introducing legislation to restrict tobacco sales and the marketing of e-cigarettes to children.


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