Difficulties in Importing Tobacco Raw Materials into Russia

Regulations by 2FIRSTS.ai
Difficulties in Importing Tobacco Raw Materials into Russia
International tobacco manufacturers are facing difficulties in importing raw materials into Russia due to stricter disinfection regulations.

According to a report from the Russian news agency TASS on November 9th, a Russian tobacco product manufacturer has revealed that international tobacco companies are facing challenges in importing raw materials into Russia.


According to reports, recent tobacco disinfection regulations in Russia have become stricter. On November 7th, representatives from the tobacco industry reported on the import situation during a meeting of the Federal Council's Economic Policy Committee, highlighting difficulties encountered during customs clearance of tobacco raw materials. It was discovered that a type of insect called the fruit fly, possibly originating from fruit transportation containers, had penetrated the tobacco material containers and caused damages during the handling process.


Industry representatives are claiming that the recently introduced tobacco disinfection regulations in Russia have caused a series of issues.


It is worth noting that according to the Russian Federal Veterinary and Phytosanitary Oversight Service, this is not the first time they have detected the tobacco leafminer in tobacco raw materials. The authorities have stated that the current import issue will not affect the future production of Russian tobacco products or the supply of raw materials. Currently, they are preparing to conduct targeted compliance inspections on tobacco raw materials.


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