E-Cigarette Brands Bypass TikTok's Algorithm to Sell Products to Children

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E-Cigarette Brands Bypass TikTok's Algorithm to Sell Products to Children
TikTok used to market addictive e-cigarette products to children using secret codes, alarming researchers and health agencies.

According to the latest research, children today are purchasing e-cigarette products disguised as colorful lipsticks and candies through the video-sharing app TikTok. Merchants are using secret codes to deceive parents and regulatory agencies. Researchers analyzed hundreds of posts on Chinese video-sharing apps to identify tags indicating the sale of addictive and potentially harmful e-cigarettes. While the videos may appear to be harmless ads targeted at children, the words on the screen inform informed teenagers that there will be e-cigarettes hidden in any package they order.


According to a recent study published in Nicotine & Tobacco Research journal, researchers have identified popular hashtags such as #puffbars, #geekbar, and #elfbar - all brands of disposable e-cigarettes. They also found coded language implying sellers packaging e-cigarettes to look like the products in the photos, including hashtags like #puffbundles, #discreetshipping, and #hiddennic. Posts using the phrase "ALL FAKE" in the descriptions are aimed at bypassing TikTok's algorithm for detecting illicit activities.


A research report has revealed that nearly one-fifth of e-cigarette sales accounts market themselves as "small businesses." They hide their e-cigarette products in sealed small bags or bundles of hair to deceive and confuse.


Professor Page Dobbs of the University of Arkansas suggests that parents should be aware that their children may be receiving e-cigarette products through the mail. He tells us, "These so-called small businesses advertise that they do not check the buyer's age, specifically targeting adolescents."


Overall, researchers found that 50.4% of videos featured popular e-cigarette brands in advertisements, while 45% of posts included marijuana products. These videos direct consumers to other social media platforms, with Instagram being the most common, and then instruct them to use anonymous messaging apps such as Telegram to actually purchase nicotine products.


Despite the legal age for e-cigarette use being 18 years old, according to statistics from the health department, the number of children using e-cigarettes has doubled in the past three years. A striking statistic is that one in every five children has tried e-cigarettes. The long-term effects of e-cigarettes are still unknown, but they have been linked to an increased incidence of lung fibrosis, organ failure, and asthma. Additionally, they are highly addictive and these cheap, battery-powered devices are known to have exploded in the hands of users. Disposable e-cigarettes are particularly associated with the popularity among children, as they are cheap and easy to use, with 69% of e-cigarette users aged 11 to 17 choosing to use them. On the other hand, 63% of children aged 13 to 17 use TikTok, where users can post short videos from unverified and anonymous accounts.


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