Warning Issued in Lancashire County: Unregulated E-cigarettes Pose Dangers

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Warning Issued in Lancashire County: Unregulated E-cigarettes Pose Dangers
Lancashire issues warning to parents about unregulated e-cigarette dangers after two children fall ill, one losing consciousness.

According to a report from the BBC, Lancashire County in the UK has issued a warning to local parents, urging them to be aware of the dangers of unregulated e-cigarettes. Two children have become ill after using e-cigarettes, with one even losing consciousness.


Police stated that two high school students, Clare and Zeland, felt unwell after using what is believed to be a contaminated e-cigarette. They experienced dizziness and palpitations before one of them passed out.


The Lancashire County police are advising parents to "remain vigilant." The legal age for using e-cigarettes is 18, but authorities have stated that in some cases, "irresponsible retailers have failed to comply with this regulation.


Sheriff Jon Sisco stated, "Not only is this illegal behavior, but it poses a real health concern for young people who may become ill from using these unregulated products." Both children received medical treatment. Authorities said that neither of them suffered any long-term health effects from this and described the incident as an "isolated event.


In January of this year, five teenagers in schools and colleges in Lancaster and Morecambe were hospitalized for using e-cigarettes believed to contain dangerous Class B drugs. Police said the e-cigarettes may have contained amphetamines and cannabis extracts.


Sheriff Xisco stated that unregulated e-cigarettes are a "real danger," and that the police are working with the market supervision bureau and schools to educate students about their dangers.


He added, "We are closely collaborating with partners and local schools to share information. I urge anyone who has information about the supply of these e-cigarettes and e-cigarette products (such as liquids) to inform us so that we can take action to remove these products from the market and prevent them from falling into the hands of young people."


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