E-cigarette Causes Fire and Property Damage in Germany

News by 2FIRSTS.ai
E-cigarette Causes Fire and Property Damage in Germany
An e-cigarette triggered a fire in Sulzbach, Germany, causing around €30,000 in property damage, according to reports.

According to an article in Schwaebische-Post on October 10th, a malfunctioning e-cigarette resulted in a fire at Sulzbach in Germany, causing approximately €30,000 worth of property damage.


According to police reports, residents of a house heard the sound of a smoke alarm in the afternoon, which was triggered by a fire in a room upstairs. The Sulzbach fire brigade responded swiftly with three vehicles and 30 firefighters to prevent the flames from spreading to nearby buildings. The police estimate the property damage to be around 30,000 euros and preliminary investigations suggest that the fire was caused by an e-cigarette.


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