ELFBAR Launches E-Cigarette Recycling Program in UK and Scotland

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ELFBAR Launches E-Cigarette Recycling Program in UK and Scotland
ELFBAR, an international e-cigarette brand, has announced that their e-cigarette recycling bins receive an average of 1000 units per month.

According to a report from Betterretailing on November 10th, international e-cigarette brand ELFBAR has announced that their e-cigarette recycling bins receive an average of around 1000 e-cigarettes every month.


This recycling program will be launched in 70 stores in England and Wales in September. Additionally, 1000 independent stores in Scotland will also receive these recycling bins.


Jacques, the Global Communications Director of ELFBAR, has announced that the company plans to provide "thousands of" recycling bins to independent shops, supermarkets, and specialized e-cigarette retailers by the end of this year.


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