Enhancing Awareness of Tobacco Hazards: Training in Vietnam

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Enhancing Awareness of Tobacco Hazards: Training in Vietnam
Vietnam Jin Chuan Medical Center organizes tobacco control training to raise awareness of the harmful effects of cigarettes and e-cigarettes.

According to a news report by Vietnam Plus on October 10th, the Kinh Chau Medical Center in Vietnam organized a tobacco control education training aimed at raising public awareness about the hazards of cigarettes and e-cigarettes. Currently, anti-smoking campaigns in Vietnam are intensifying, with authorities urging the public to stay away from the dangers of tobacco.


The Vinh Phuc Medical Center in Vietnam recently organized four tobacco control knowledge enhancement training sessions, with nearly 700 participants. The training courses took place from September 25 to October 9, 2023.


The participants included the head of the health station, rural healthcare workers, leaders of youth groups and associations, principals, teachers, and school medical professionals from Jinchuan. They received comprehensive training on tobacco control and the dangers of smoking and e-cigarettes to physical health. The training covered common diseases caused by active and passive smoking, mechanisms for smoking cessation, and effective quitting strategies for smokers.


In addition, each participant also gained an understanding of regulations, powers, and processes related to tobacco control, as well as the economic and environmental harm caused by tobacco usage.


The main objective of this training course is to enhance students' knowledge about anti-smoking measures, enabling them to effectively promote such actions within their local communities.


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