FDA CTP Director Brian King: New Guidelines on Fines to be Released This Summer

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FDA CTP Director Brian King: New Guidelines on Fines to be Released This Summer
FDA steps up enforcement against unauthorized tobacco products, including unique flavored disposable e-cigarettes, with increased fines for violators.

According to Canadian media platform BNNBloomberg on May 14th, Brian King, director of the Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), stated that enforcement actions against illegal sales are escalating to crack down on unauthorized tobacco products, such as flavored disposable e-cigarettes. He mentioned that fines may increase for those selling illegal products.


"We have already begun to ramp up enforcement actions," said Brian King, director of the FDA's Center for Tobacco Products at an event in Washington, D.C. King added that the agency is developing guidance to increase fines for unauthorized tobacco product sellers, with new guidelines on fines expected to be released this summer.


Altria Group Inc. recently called for the organization to take more action to combat disposable flavored e-cigarette products manufactured in China that compete with its own authorized product, NJOY. The current maximum fine of $20,678 is considered too low compared to the potential profits, making it unlikely that retailers will be deterred from selling unauthorized products.


Golden promised to take "further action," such as the recent seizures of illegal products in California. He added that proposed regulations on menthol tobacco and other tobacco flavors are still a priority for the FDA, as well as setting maximum nicotine levels in tobacco products.


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