Irish MP Calls for Stricter Regulations on E-Cigarette Sales

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Irish MP Calls for Stricter Regulations on E-Cigarette Sales
Irish Republic MP, Malcolm Byrne, calls for stricter regulations on e-cigarette sales to prevent underage usage.

On October 16, according to the Irish Mirror, Malcolm Byrne, a member of the Irish Republican Party in parliament, stated that e-cigarettes should only be supplied by pharmacies upon prescription. He opposes the usage of e-cigarettes by minors and calls for strict limitations on the sale of these products.


Ireland's Health Minister, Stephen Donnelly, has proposed legislation to completely ban the use of e-cigarettes for all age groups. Concurrently, Senator Burne recommended that these products should be placed below the counters in pharmacies to prevent children from accessing e-cigarettes.


Bourn emphasized the need for strict regulations on the sale of e-cigarettes based on the harm they pose to adolescents. This includes prohibiting sales to individuals under the age of 18, banning flavored e-cigarettes, and packaging e-liquids in plain, unmarked containers.


According to Senator Burns' observations, disposable e-cigarettes are the primary source of waste and should be banned. Additionally, he emphasized that if the upcoming regulations fail to effectively protect young people, he will not support them.


Senator Brown will continue to keep a close watch on this issue in order to prevent the younger generation from becoming dependent on e-cigarettes. He has already met with several youth groups who have expressed serious concerns about this matter and has pledged to work together with them to safeguard the well-being of teenagers.


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