Juul and Washington School Districts Reach Settlement Over Child Sales

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Juul and Washington School Districts Reach Settlement Over Child Sales
E-cigarette manufacturer Juul reaches settlement with Washington school districts over allegations of marketing to children.

According to a report by Spokesman on October 5th, e-cigarette manufacturer Juul has reached a settlement with the Spokane School District and West Valley School District in Washington state, following allegations of intentionally selling their products to children. The Spokane School District Board will receive a settlement sum of $320,000, while the compensation amount for the West Valley School District has not been clarified yet.


Spokane School District joined the reconciliation in April 2022, driven by the alarming statistical data showing a significant increase in e-cigarette use among teenagers. A survey conducted by the Department of Health revealed a staggering 50% increase in e-cigarette usage among twelfth-grade students from 2016 to 2018.


JUUL is one of the defendants in the class-action lawsuit, and various school districts across the country are eligible for partial compensation. The lawsuit alleges that the company used advertising strategies that appealed to children, including vibrant colors, young models, and cartoon characters. Additionally, JUUL's e-cigarettes, which come in flavors like mango and caramel, have attracted children.


Mike Wiser, Chairman of the Spokane School District Board of Directors, stated that...


It is appropriate to hold them accountable for the potential severe addiction that may arise should young people acquire this product.


The district revealed that it will be using its settlement funds to purchase e-cigarette detectors for restrooms, hire consultants, and provide resources to enhance awareness of e-cigarette addiction.


The school district installed e-cigarette detectors in the middle and high school bathrooms last year, and these detection devices are becoming increasingly common. Kyle Rydell, the principal of the West Valley School District, stated that their e-cigarette detectors have proven to be effective in preventing students from using e-cigarettes in the bathrooms.


As long as they are detected through the installation of e-cigarette detectors, we can provide intervention for these children. I don't want to see young people becoming addicted to something they cannot quit," said Rader.


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