Monroe County Sheriff's Office Completes Tobacco Compliance Checks

Monroe County Sheriff's Office Completes Tobacco Compliance Checks
Monroe County Sheriff completes tobacco and e-cigarette compliance checks, with 74 out of 86 businesses passing.

Recently, the Monroe County Sheriff's Office in the United States completed a county-wide tobacco and electronic-cigarette compliance operation.

A press release issued by the Sheriff's Office indicates that an investigation has been carried out in response to complaints from citizens regarding the sale of tobacco and e-cigarette products to minors by establishments.

The aim of the compliance check is to ensure the safety of underage customers, guarantee adherence to laws by institutions, and educate non-compliant institutions. This initiative carried out compliance checks on 86 institutions, with 74 institutions passing the check while the remaining 12 were found to be non-compliant.

The Sheriff's Office stated in a press release that Sheriff Goodnough wishes to express gratitude for the support and cooperation from the Monroe County Drug Task Force, the Monroe County Sheriff's Office, and compliant businesses.


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