New Legislation in Romania Could Impact Smokers Negatively

Regulations by
New Legislation in Romania Could Impact Smokers Negatively
New smoking regulations in Romania may become stricter, potentially affecting five million smokers in the country.

According to a recent report by Dailybusiness, Romania is considering implementing stricter regulations that could potentially impact its five million smokers.


New legislation in Romania has prohibited smoking in certain places, such as public transportation and children's playgrounds. There are potential future regulations in the works that will extend this ban to parks, sports fields, and areas where people wait for public transportation. These locations typically see a high number of children, and the aim of the new regulations is to ensure their protection.


Former Romanian Minister of Family Affairs, Gabriela Firea, has expressed her explicit support for expanding smoke-free zones to protect children.


In a Facebook post, Farrah pointed out that smoke is extremely harmful and children should not be exposed to it.


She also mentioned measures taken by other countries, such as France and Ireland, which have strict regulations for smokers. In these countries, it is even prohibited for smokers to smoke while accompanied by children or inside their own cars.


Phoebe emphasized that these measures may seem stringent, but we must make this effort for the health of our children.


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