Public Feedback Survey: Malaysia's "Generation End Act" Initiative

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Public Feedback Survey: Malaysia's "Generation End Act" Initiative
Malaysia's Ministry of Health launches a survey on the MySejahtera platform to gather public feedback on the "Generation Endgame" initiative.

According to a report by Headtopics, the Malaysian Ministry of Health (MOH) has launched a questionnaire on the MySejahtera platform to gather public feedback on the proposed "Generation End Game (GEG) Act." This initiative aims to prohibit the purchase of tobacco and cigarette products for individuals born after January 1, 2007.


The Malaysian Ministry of Health has announced that the measures on tobacco control will not affect existing smokers or e-cigarette users, but will effectively establish a protected environment for the next generation of Malaysians, shielding them from the harmful effects of nicotine addiction and tobacco products.


GEG is proposing a clause in the draft "Control of Tobacco Products for Public Health Bill 2023." This bill aims to ensure comprehensive regulation of all types of smoking products, including e-cigarettes and e-cigarette liquids. The existing 2004 Tobacco Product Control Regulations (CTPR) only restricts tobacco-based smoking products.


The Malaysian Minister of Health, Dr. Zaliha Mustafa, has stated, "The GEG legislation is a bold and ambitious measure that has the potential to make a significant contribution to reducing tobacco use in Malaysia and the associated diseases and mortality rates related to smoking. It is a way for us to protect the youth, loved ones, and those around us from the dangers of smoking and prevent addiction."


She encourages all Malaysians to take a few minutes to complete this survey. Every individual plays a crucial role in voicing their opinions through this survey and the available media channels, supporting the government's efforts in promoting this bill and the GEG clauses.


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