Richmond Considers Temporary Ban on New Tobacco Retailers

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Richmond Considers Temporary Ban on New Tobacco Retailers
Richmond faces surge in tobacco shops, may implement temporary ban on new retailers due to e-cigarette and tobacco sales increase.

According to the American media outlet Richmond Standard on April 1, the city of Richmond in Virginia has recently experienced a "surge" in tobacco shops, selling both e-cigarette devices and traditional tobacco. This phenomenon may prompt the city to implement a temporary ban on new tobacco retailers.


On Tuesday, the city council will consider implementing a 45-day grace period during its regular meeting, allowing city government workers time to consider potential new regulations and penalties for tobacco retailers.


The proposal was introduced by Mayor Eduardo Martinez, Vice Mayor Claudia Jimenez, and City Councilmember Melvin Willis. According to the proposal, the city does not permit tobacco shops to operate, however, many tobacco shops are operating without permits.


During this 45-day grace period, city government officials are recommending revisions to the licensing process to make it more difficult for tobacco retailers to obtain licenses and to increase penalties for violators. Tobacco retail license holders will be required to renew their licenses annually. During this grace period, existing retailers will be allowed to apply for license renewal.


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