Danger of Tobacco Addiction and E-cigarette Among Youth in Turkey

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Danger of Tobacco Addiction and E-cigarette Among Youth in Turkey
The Turkish Respiratory Society's latest report highlights the global issue of tobacco addiction causing over 8.5 million deaths annually.

According to Kibrispostasi, the Turkish Respiratory Society has released a new report highlighting the issue of tobacco addiction, which is responsible for over 8.5 million deaths worldwide annually. The report points out that the tobacco industry is exploiting both e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products in an attempt to claim they are aiding in smoking cessation, while also targeting the youth population to increase their profits.


Even though the usage rates of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products are already quite common, the report also provides relevant data showing that over 20% of young adults between the ages of 18-20 have tried e-cigarettes at least once.


According to a global survey covering 3925 children and young people, the usage rate of e-cigarettes has surpassed 17.2%. This means that for every 5 children/young people worldwide, there is one who is familiar with e-cigarette products containing nicotine.


Report states: "These products entering the market have opened the door to a high level of nicotine addiction in children and adolescents, posing extreme risks to the health of future generations.


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