Rising Popularity of E-cigarettes Among Finnish Teenagers

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Rising Popularity of E-cigarettes Among Finnish Teenagers
The use of e-cigarettes among Finnish teenagers has doubled in the past two years, with girls now surpassing boys.

According to recent reports from the Finnish National Broadcasting Company, Yle, data from the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) reveals that the proportion of Finnish teenagers aged 14 to 20 using e-cigarettes has doubled in the past two years.


According to statistics from THL, currently, 6% of teenage boys and 5% of teenage girls use e-cigarettes on a daily basis. Furthermore, the popularity of e-cigarettes among girls has even surpassed that of boys.


However, according to a report by THL, the proportion of the population aged between 20 and 64 who smoked on a daily basis last year was 11%. This reflects a continuous decline in the tobacco usage rate among the adult population over the past few decades.


Expert Hanna Ollila from the THL stated that the popularity of e-cigarettes may be attributed to the widespread circulation of e-cigarette devices on social media, which has a strong appeal to young people.


Although young individuals may perceive these devices as harmless, the substances they inhale can be detrimental, posing particular risks to developing lungs and brains.


Aurora issued a warning during the press conference, advocating for stricter control over these devices.


Finnish broadcasting company Yle has sent a batch of e-cigarette devices confiscated from teenagers to the laboratory of the University of Eastern Finland for testing. The analysis reveals that e-cigarette e-liquid contains harmful substances.


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