Timeline of Removing ELFBAR Illegal Products from Main Supermarkets in the UK

Related to the controversy of excessive nicotine in Elfbar 600, 2Firsts sorted out the context of the incident, the affected supermarket chain brands, and their market share.

Elfbar 600 watermelon-flavored e-cigarette products were recently exposed to excessive nicotine in e-liquid. 2Firsts sorted out the context of the incident, the affected supermarket chain brands, and their market share.


Timeline of Removing ELFBAR Illegal Products from Main Supermarkets in the UK


Based on the existing statements, there are currently four supermarket chains, one book and stationery chain store, and one wholesaler announcing removals and recalls of related products. Among them, the four supermarket chains have owned two-thirds of the British market share. 


Timeline of Removing ELFBAR Illegal Products from Main Supermarkets in the UK
Data source: Statista



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