Urgent Concern: Youth Vaping Epidemic in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

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Urgent Concern: Youth Vaping Epidemic in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Blue Vein" and "Sustained Tobacco Control Provincial Alliance" have raised concerns over the increasing use of e-cigarettes among youth in Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

According to Pakistan's Dailytimes, the anti-smoking organization "Blue Veins" and the "Sustainable Tobacco Control Provincial Alliance" recently brought to the attention of the Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Haider Hulam Ali, an urgent issue affecting the province's youth.


The letter mentions that Governor Haige Hulam Ali's leadership ability can set an example for other provinces and showcase Kobra Kyrgyz Province as a model for proactive preventive health governance.


The letter also points out that the prevalence of e-cigarette and vape usage among the youth in Kyzyl-Kyshtak Province is worrisome.


These devices, often seen as safer alternatives to traditional tobacco products, actually contain highly addictive nicotine and other harmful chemicals. The major public health challenge lies in their increasing impact on young people and women. Particularly concerning is the lack of comprehensive federal or provincial policies to regulate the sale and use of these products.


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