Vietnam Ministry of Trade and Industry Develops E-Cigarette Management Plan

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Vietnam Ministry of Trade and Industry Develops E-Cigarette Management Plan
The Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade is reportedly developing a plan to regulate e-cigarettes in the country.

According to Vietnamese media outlet Cand on November 7, Minister of Industry and Trade of Vietnam, Nguyen Hong Dien, announced that the ministry is currently developing a management plan for e-cigarettes. There have been two proposals suggesting the issuance of policies for managing e-cigarettes and heated tobacco trials in Vietnam.


Ruan Hongdian announced that they are currently in the process of developing an e-cigarette regulatory plan. The department is collaborating with various stakeholders, particularly the Ministry of Health, to review and align perspectives in order to enhance the management policies.


The Ministry of Commerce plans to include the product under the supervision of tobacco companies and intends to submit a proposal to the Prime Minister in the fourth quarter of 2023.


The Ministry of Health has taken a stance to ban this type, however, the Department of Justice believes it is necessary to study the regulations and incorporate them into the tobacco business regulations," said Ruǎn Hóngdiàn.


According to reports, the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade is said to be formulating a management plan and is "close to" adopting the ban proposal from the Ministry of Health. The plan will be submitted to the Prime Minister, in accordance with the constitution, investment law, and relevant agencies.


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