Health risks

Dry Cough Caused by E-Cigarettes: Expert Warnings
Dry Cough Caused by E-Cigarettes: Expert Warnings
Health experts warn of differences in coughing between e-cigarettes and traditional tobacco, with potential long-term health risks.
Industry Insight
Potential Health Risks of Snus: A Popular Tobacco Alternative
Potential Health Risks of Snus: A Popular Tobacco Alternative
Snus, a popular tobacco alternative, is facing health concerns as experts warn of potential risks.
Industry Insight
WMA Urges Regulation and Protection for E-cigarette Health Risks
WMA Urges Regulation and Protection for E-cigarette Health Risks
WMA emphasizes the risks of e-cigarette products regarding their popularity among young people and inadequate regulation in multiple countries.
Emerging Health Crisis: E-cigarette Linked to Pneumonia in Vietnam
Emerging Health Crisis: E-cigarette Linked to Pneumonia in Vietnam
Vietnam sees a rise in young patients with pneumonia, many of whom have a history of using e-cigarettes.
Dangers of E-cigarettes: Poisonings and Health Risks
Dangers of E-cigarettes: Poisonings and Health Risks
Vietnam's Poison Control Center treats e-cigarette poisoning cases daily, many due to the presence of drugs mixed with e-cigarettes.
E-cigarette's Harm to Health is as Serious as Traditional Cigarettes
E-cigarette's Harm to Health is as Serious as Traditional Cigarettes
Russian respiratory disease association member and lung specialist Tatiana Neshpapa warns that e-cigarettes are as harmful as traditional cigarettes.
Potential Health Risks of Tobacco and E-cigarettes
Potential Health Risks of Tobacco and E-cigarettes
Polish public health expert Professor Robert Mróz warns that tobacco products contain over 7000 chemicals, 70 of which can cause cancer.
Industry Insight
Australia Discusses Tobacco Reform to Address Health Risks of E-cigarettes
Australia Discusses Tobacco Reform to Address Health Risks of E-cigarettes
Australia considers tobacco reform laws to discourage smoking and address health risks of e-cigarettes, but faces opposition from the industry.
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