Dry Cough Caused by E-Cigarettes: Expert Warnings

Industry Insight by 2FIRSTS.ai
Dry Cough Caused by E-Cigarettes: Expert Warnings
Health experts warn of differences in coughing between e-cigarettes and traditional tobacco, with potential long-term health risks.

According to Russian media "Today Russia," health experts warn that the dry cough caused by e-cigarettes is different from the phlegm-producing cough caused by traditional tobacco. The usage instructions for e-cigarettes also clearly warn about this common phenomenon and specifically caution first-time e-cigarette users who have recently quit traditional tobacco.


Experts believe that this may be a sign of the body recovering from years of tobacco smoke. Smoking can damage tiny structures in the airways called cilia, which are designed to clear debris and mucus from the lungs. When irritants linger in the lungs, mucus builds up and the body attempts to clear the airways, leading to "smoker's cough.


Professor Leon Shahab, co-director of the Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group at University College London, stated: "Coughing caused by e-cigarettes is a natural response as the body recovers from tobacco use, during which the cilia in the lungs repair and regain functionality. Therefore, if smokers switch to e-cigarettes, similar symptoms may occur.


Peter Hajek, a renowned researcher and professor in the field of e-cigarettes at Queen Mary University of London, stated that "e-cigarette cough" typically disappears after a few weeks of use.


E-cigarettes allow users to inhale nicotine vapor, which is created by heating e-liquid that typically contains propylene glycol, glycerin, flavorings, and other chemicals. Unlike traditional tobacco, e-cigarettes do not contain tobacco and do not produce tar or carbon monoxide.


However, evidence of the potential risks of e-cigarettes is increasing. Multiple studies have raised concerns about the potential harm of e-cigarettes. Last month, an academic study sparked worries about the potential for e-cigarettes to cause cancer.


Doctors are concerned about potential lung diseases, dental issues, and even cancer that may arise in the future, affecting individuals who started using e-cigarettes at a young age.


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