Breaking: FDA’s Holman Stepping Down to Join PMI

Events by Vapor Voice

Matt Holman, director of the Office of Science at the Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is stepping down immediately to join Philip Morris International.


A Tweet from Katherine Ellen Foley (@katherineefoley), a journalist who covers the FDA for Politico, first announced the news and the FDA has not yet confirmed publicly.


“PMI wouldn’t comment on what role Holman will be taking over; Ben [Apelberg] and Todd Cecil (both currently in CTP) will be rotating interim directors while the search for a permanent head of OS continues,” Foley Tweeted. “Cecil taking first shift.”


Foley’s source is noted as a memo to staff from Brian King, the director of the CTP, who began his position on July 3.


In that memo, obtained by Vapor Voice, King writes that Holman “has been on leave since before my tenure began at the Center, as he has recused himself, consistent with agency policies, from all CTP/FDA work while exploring career opportunities outside of government.”


This story will be updated.


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