Chief Maulana Tayab Qureshi Urges Action Against E-Cigarette Usage

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Chief Maulana Tayab Qureshi Urges Action Against E-Cigarette Usage
Chief Maulana Tayab Qureshi urges action against e-cigarette use, emphasizing its dangers and addictiveness in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

According to Pakistani media outlet UrduPoint's report on February 3rd, Chief of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Maulana Tayab Qureshi, made a strong statement urging action to address the use of e-cigarettes, emphasizing their dangers and addictive nature.


Qureishi, not only the chief of the Mahabat Khan Mosque and the Jamma Ashrafia Seminary, but also issued a call to all regional chiefs and prayer leaders in the province. This important initiative was announced during a press conference on Saturday. He urged them to educate their communities and gain a deeper understanding of the dangers of nicotine products.


This initiative comes as a response to a two-month ban under article 144 imposed by the government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, prohibiting the sale of e-cigarettes and tobacco products to individuals below the age of 21 as well as within a 50-meter radius of educational institutions.


In his letter addressed to regional chieftains and prayer leaders, Kurexi not only expressed his support for this ban, but also emphasized the imperative need to enhance public awareness regarding the dangers posed by e-cigarettes and other harmful substances such as nicotine, tobacco, methamphetamine, and cannabis.


Kurexi emphasized that the consumption of these substances goes against Islamic teachings and poses a significant threat to social health and well-being. Kurexi commended the role of civil society organizations in the Kapur province in raising awareness about this urgent issue. He called for a comprehensive ban on the sale and use of e-cigarettes across the entire province, believing it would serve as a strong counterattack against the tobacco industry's marketing efforts to promote these products as alternatives to traditional smoking.


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