Discovery of Underground Tobacco Factory in Ukraine

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Discovery of Underground Tobacco Factory in Ukraine
Ukrainian police have uncovered an underground tobacco factory hidden in an abandoned military base, with a production capacity of 50,000 cigarette packs per day.

According to a recent report by Epravda, Ukrainian police have discovered an underground tobacco factory in the Cherkasy region. This factory was hidden within an abandoned military base and featured highly industrialized tobacco production lines, as well as specialized facilities for drying and packaging tobacco. These efficient facilities have led to exceptionally high productivity in this underground factory.


In order to conceal their crimes, the founder of this factory not only used a diesel power plant to ensure a steady electricity supply, thus avoiding any suspicious traces on the power grid, but also installed a surveillance system around the factory to promptly detect and deceive police searches. The production capacity of this factory can reach up to 50,000 packs of cigarettes per day, with over 150,000 packs accumulated in the warehouse.


The police confirmed the existence of the factory earlier this year and proceeded to completely shut it down. It was reported that the equipment and products seized from the factory had a value of 20 million Grivnas (530,000 US dollars).


Meanwhile, the police have also discovered that the products of this underground factory are mostly distributed to the markets in Cherkasy, Kiev, and Vinnytsia regions through wholesale and retail channels, being sold under the disguise of other tobacco manufacturers' products.


Currently, the Ukrainian authorities have initiated a criminal investigation under local criminal laws into the illegal manufacture, storage, sale, and transportation of counterfeit stamped goods. They have also begun gathering evidence with the intention of prosecuting the organizers and participants of this underground black market.


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