2FIRSTS New Year Messages 2024: Embrace the Era of Excellence Expelling Mediocrity

Industry Insight by 2FIRSTS
2FIRSTS New Year Messages 2024: Embrace the Era of Excellence Expelling Mediocrity
Embrace the era of excellence expelling mediocrity, an era where the original aspiration of vaping industry is realized to make harm-reduction efforts. This is 2FIRSTS' New Year wish.

Embrace the Era of Excellence Expelling Mediocrity - 2FIRSTS New Year Messages 2024



This is the first message from 2FIRSTS in 2024. We extend our greetings to operators, researchers, regulators, non-profit organizations, and professionals from the global vaping industry. Happy New Year 2024!


In 2023, we have released 7,303 industry articles, conducted over 400 interviews, and hosted 14 live broadcasts of exhibitions on 2firsts.com and 2firsts.cn. We reported on-site from 13 countries and regions, including the U.S., the UK, Russia, the UAE, Indonesia, covering a distance equivalent to circling the Earth 3.2 times.


All these efforts serve a simple purpose—to inform you about the significant facts and issues occurring in the global vaping industry.


In the past year, a sense of anxiety has spread across the global vaping industry. Small businesses face increased survival pressure, and migrating to niche and emerging markets has become a lifeline. Large enterprises tread on thin ice amid growth stress, regulatory uncertainty, and public scrutiny.


Regulatory authorities are also facing mounting pressure. Complicated questions remain to be answered: how to curb the harm of vaping products to minors? How to combat counterfeit goods, and prevent illegal trade? The limitations of enforcement costs create a gap between ideals and reality.


Against this backdrop, we believe that the hope for the future can ease our anxiety.


Fortunately, global brands are gradually taking shape, possessing recognition and fulfilling social responsibilities to drive compliant development.


In traditional, mature e-cigarette markets, such as the EU, the U.S., Russia, and emerging markets, such as Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa, South America, regulatory authorities are exploring new policies. Although their opinions differ, the very act of "addressing the issues" is a good start. Non-profit organizations worldwide never cease to speak out and take action, and the power of the public has laid the cornerstone for building confidence.


All of this has ignited hope: in the future, positive forces will rise to lead industry development. Global regulatory policies, market environments, and public opinions will provide more opportunities for excellent enterprises and products. Practices that used to earn a competitive advantage by avoiding compliance will lose magic.


Embrace the era of excellence expelling mediocrity, an era where the original aspiration of vaping industry is realized to make harm-reduction efforts. This is 2FIRSTS' New Year wish.


In 2024, 2FIRSTS will continuously focus on major global industrial events, make presence in various markets, and bring firsthand reports to readers. We will raise more questions and stimulate more discussions. Hopefully, we can connect global industry practitioners with facts, questions, and communication, promoting technology for good and industry for progress.


2FIRSTS is willing to join hands with you to open up a brighter future.


Happy New Year!


2FIRSTS Editorial Department
January 1, 2024


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This article is translated from an original Chinese article available on 2firsts.cn by AI, and has been reviewed and edited by 2FIRSTS's English editorial team. The Chinese original text is the only authoritative source of information. The exclusive copyright and license rights to this article are held by 2FIRSTS Technology Co., Ltd. Any reproduction, reprinting, or redistribution of this article, either in part or in full, requires express written permission from 2FIRSTS and must include clear attribution along with a link to this content. Non-compliance may result in legal action. 2FIRSTS Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the right to pursue legal actions in case of unauthorized use or distribution.