Experts Call for Stronger Tobacco Advertising Regulations in Indonesia

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Experts Call for Stronger Tobacco Advertising Regulations in Indonesia
Indonesia urged to strengthen tobacco advertising regulations as tobacco production continues to rise, according to media reports.

According to a report by Indonesian media mediaindonesia on January 30th, experts are urging the government to enhance regulation on tobacco advertising, in response to the ongoing growth in tobacco production in Indonesia.


According to statistical data, tobacco production in Indonesia continues to rise as of 2022. The annual report of PT Wismilak Inti Makmur Tbk indicates a 4.5% increase in its tobacco production capacity, while PT HM Sampoerna TBK's Marlboro product line witnessed a growth of 4.2%. Nationally, the total tobacco production capacity reached a staggering 323.9 billion sticks in 2022.


Ahmad Fanani, project director at the Indonesian Institute for Social Development (IISD), has emphasized the need for stricter tobacco control regulations by the government, given the current state of tobacco production and consumption. Despite existing tobacco control measures primarily focusing on finances, Fanani pointed out that their effectiveness has been far from satisfactory, as there still remains a considerable level of freedom in the production and sale of tobacco.


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