Government Urged to Act as Underage E-cigarette Use Triples

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Government Urged to Act as Underage E-cigarette Use Triples
The National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) warns that the number of underage e-cigarette users has tripled.

According to Morningstaronline, the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) has stated that the number of underage individuals using e-cigarettes has tripled, and the government must take immediate action.


According to a report by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), the number of teenagers using e-cigarettes has doubled in the past three years, with 20.5% of adolescents having tried them. Furthermore, a union survey has revealed that 85% of teachers believe there is an issue of e-cigarette use within schools, with three quarters of them stating that the problem has worsened over the past year.


According to their report, selling e-cigarettes to students under the age of 18 is illegal, and these e-cigarettes are disguised as school highlighters. Teachers say that due to retailers selling them at low prices, 10-year-old children are bringing them into classrooms.


NASUWT General Secretary Patrick Roach has urged ministers to seriously consider banning disposable e-cigarettes and to immediately provide schools with resources to address this issue before it becomes uncontrollable.


He added that the government must hold e-cigarette manufacturers and retailers accountable, as "if e-cigarettes become the norm in schools, it would pose a significant health risk to students and teachers".


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