Increasing Concern Over Growing Popularity of E-Cigarettes in Sri Lanka

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Increasing Concern Over Growing Popularity of E-Cigarettes in Sri Lanka
Dr. M.G. Gunasiri, Director of Sri Lanka's Tobacco Control Board, expresses concern over increasing e-cigarette use in rural areas.

According to the Sri Lankan media outlet Virakesari, Dr. M.G. Gunasiri, Director of the Sri Lanka Tobacco Control Authority, recently stated that the use of e-cigarettes in rural areas of Sri Lanka is becoming increasingly prevalent, with the number of users growing rapidly.


Investigators found that a batch of seized e-cigarettes are widely circulated in major cities and rural areas of Sri Lanka, such as Colombo, Gampaha, and Polonnaruwa, where users mainly consist of individuals aged 40 and above and students. Dr. Kunasinghe expressed strong concern about this issue.


Recently, the use of e-cigarettes has started to spread to remote areas of Sri Lanka. A notable example is a student who garnered attention for bringing an e-cigarette into school. Dr. Kuna Singhe issued a warning regarding this.


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