Jincheng Pharm Obtained Tobacco Production License in July 2023

Business by 2FIRSTS.ai
Jincheng Pharm Obtained Tobacco Production License in July 2023
Jincheng Pharm replied to an investor's question about the amount of nicotine given by tobacco monopoly and its license.

On December 7th, an investor raised a question on an investor interaction platform, inquiring about the amount of nicotine used in e-cigarettes as well as the official data provided by the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau. The investor also sought information regarding the expected date for receiving the official notification.

Jincheng Pharm Obtained Tobacco Production License in July 2023
Image source: Interactive Easy


Jincheng Pharm (300233.SZ) has responded that the company has obtained a new "Tobacco Monopoly Production Enterprise License" in July 2023, as disclosed on the Giant Wave Information Network. The company will organize production and sales in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and regulatory authorities' requirements.


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