Joliet City Council Passes Revised Tobacco License Regulations

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Joliet City Council Passes Revised Tobacco License Regulations
Joliet City Council in Illinois has passed a revised tobacco license ordinance to regulate the sale of e-cigarettes and alternative nicotine products.

According to American media outlet Shawlocal, the City Council of Joliet, Illinois recently unanimously passed an amendment to the tobacco licensing regulations. This amendment stipulates that a license is now required for selling alternative nicotine products, e-cigarette products, and e-cigarette devices.


In a preparatory council meeting, Mayor Beth Beatty of Holit City expressed growing concern among citizens regarding the public health risks associated with the use of alternative nicotine products and e-cigarettes, particularly among individuals under the age of 18.


She said that the revised bill has created new categories for tobacco licenses, requiring approval for the sale of e-cigarette products. Additionally, it will increase fees associated with tobacco licenses and impose restrictions on the location and transfer of such licenses.


The revised tobacco bill defines that the recognition of licenses includes the "right to sell alternative nicotine products, alternative tobacco products, or e-cigarette products." "The proposed amendment requires approval from local authorities for e-cigarette shops to sell alternative nicotine products, e-cigarette products, and e-cigarette devices," Betty added.


According to the revised regulations, as of January 1st, new e-cigarette stores will no longer be permitted if they are located more than 2640 feet away from other licensed e-cigarette stores. Additionally, the annual fee for the tobacco license and its approval has been set at $1000.


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